Compact meets power.

A slim and lightweight design that meets safety regulations of all leagues of rugby

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Sports GPS built for


GPS and the rigours of rugby go hand-in-hand. SPT supports rugby players with the tools to maximise performance, all while making sure that injuries and training loads are kept into account. Enjoy data that’s user-friendly and easy to apply so you can focus on the technical aspects of the game.

Carry out a winning strategy

GPS data can prove which rugby athletes are performing at peak. Track metrics like Top Speed and High Speed Running and gain confidence that the wingers are fastest on their feet. Make sure that the flankers are hitting the most tackles with Impact counts and watch the numbers for Acceleration to assess the effectiveness of the back line.

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Optimise training load

A rugby pitch is never short of contact. For those returning from injuries, SPT’s GPS platform also assists with return-to-play programs. By watching the output levels over a season, it’s easy to manage work load and ensure that recovering players are slowly transitioned into the demands of a typical game.

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Powerful. Simple. Affordable.

Managing a team is a big task. That’s why we’ve made our analytics software available in the Cloud for easy connectivity for both desktop/mobile devices.

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